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FREE Download: Discover 8 Effective Marketing Funnels for High Ticket Offers

Stop Your Coaching Business from Being a Slave to One Funnel and Multiply Your Income Streams...

...To Create a Bulletproof 7-Figure Coaching Business

(P.S. These funnels have generated over 1.5 million leads for our clients since 2014)

Lead Surge book

“Lead Surge is a game-changer for coaches and experts who want to elevate their marketing game! Terence has crafted a beautifully simple way to break down the complex world of marketing funnels. There’s a multiplier effect that occurs when you structure your funnels properly and if you’re a coach, consultant or expert, this book is a golden ticket to scaling your business.”

- Mikael Dia, Online Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Expert, CEO of Funnelytics


"... I realized very quickly that Terence Tam is a "funnel genius" and a lifelong learner... Terence combines his knowledge of human behaviour with tactical solutions that can can help coaches and experts...and anyone in direct response marketing"

- Brian Kurtz, Titans Marketing, and author of "Overdeliver" and "The Advertising Solution"

Lead Surge e-book

For the first time

we’re revealing behind the scenes funnels of our high-ticket marketing agency…

In this easy to read 218-page ebook:

  • Discover 8 proven profitable funnels for coaches that generate a great ROAS

  • Why the ‘You’re one Funnel Away” idea is great for 6-figure businesses (but not 7-figure)

  • The ins and outs of maximizing profits from each funnel

  • How your marketing agency could potentially be burning millions each year on the wrong funnel

  • Bonus Chapter: Behind the scenes of how we created a $1 Million launch

Here’s a snippet of what you’re gonna to discover:

Why copying other gurus’ funnels is likely to lose you money
(Chapter 1)

The simple funnel that we used to help a client build an 8-figure business in less than 2 years (Chapter 2)

The ‘best funnel’ to get qualified appointments (Chapter 4)

The funnel that’s consistently giving us the cheapest leads (Chapter 5)

The framework we use to construct Webinar funnels that are highly profitable (Chapter 7)

All the necessary ingredients for designing a profitable ‘Challenge Funnel’ that gets high ticket sales (Chapter 8)

Crafting a unique brand voice to stand out from your competition

(Chapter 11)

… and many other tips, strategies and hacks

More book reviews

Michael Tan

"Terence Tam is a Marketing Genius. His real life experience in marketing using his funnels has generated millions in sales for my business. Thanks to his 8 Funnels strategies, we have experienced more than a 150% growth in our business. This stuff works! 

“Lead Surge” shares his tested and proven ways on how he and his team do their magic… I highly recommend you pick up this book and learn the secrets Terence is revealing."

Dato Michael Tan

Regional Eduprenuer and Capitalist Investor

Aaron Chong

"Terence unveils the curtain for behind the scenes working to get any coaching business way past 7 figures! Loads of diamonds!

This is not a read and forget book. It's a read and have it by your side all the time kind of book where you'll want to go through it again and again, like a google for coaching business marketing.

If you have been struggling with getting things to work in your marketing campaigns, and nothing seems to work after spending tons of money and time, this knowledge in this book will solve most, if not all of your issues."

Aaron Chong

Ultimate Closer

Aaron Chong

“This is a book that I want to get into the hands of as many clients as possible because Terence delivers multiple proven methods for generating leads AND he lays each funnel out simply and clearly, offering reasons for choosing each particular funnel. After four decades of marketing I know a gold mine when I see it and this book is one of them.”

Tom Poland

Founder of Leadsology

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